Sunday 2 September 2012

Scary dreamworld of a mumbling mummy!

Another week, vanished! Actually can't believe that in 12 hours time when we hit that midnight bell, I will be 24 weeks!

We stocked up on a few bits this week in the supermarket baby events. Yet still I feel as though we will forget something, despite checking the checklist 20 times a day! How can something so tiny need so much stuff?!

I think these crazy pregnancy dreams aren't helping the situation. You know the ones ladies, something happens in your dream and you wake up in a panic needing to get it sorted asap! Last weekend I dreamt I had the baby but had nowhere to put it, and when I woke up, demanded to the other half that we buy the moses basket this week!

Last nights rang a similar bell to one I had months ago. I was in a hospital, small room, quite cosy and pleasant, just me and my other half. Feeling very dosile, I turned on my side and went to sleep. I woke up later to my legs being held back, my partner holding my hand looking terrified, and a midwife saying "push, push, push!". It wasn't a frightening scene, and the baby was born straight after, and everything was great. Afterwards when all the commotion had died down, I had to ask my other half exactly what happened. And that terrified me! I promptly woke the boyfriend to tell him that when I am in labour he absolutely must not let me have any hardcore pain relief, or too much gas and air! Even in the dreams I feel awful not remembering the birth, could only imagine it in reality!

Anyone else had mad dreams like that?!

On a positive note, little ones kicking away a lot more this week. Its so reassuring feeling him, knowing he is ok. Thoroughly enjoying this middle bit :)

Feel free to share below any of your experiences from this week, we are all in this together!

For now, its over and out.

See you next time!

Mumblingmummy xxx