Sunday 26 August 2012

The scary first hello!

Good evening everyone!

So this is where it all begins - thanks for joining me! Over the last few weeks I have found my brain going into overdrive with moses baskets, breastfeeding, routines... Information coming out of my ears! Of course having read so much and prepared for this before conception, it all went over my head for a little while, with mumbling mummy wondering what the panic was all about. Well, now we know!

I'm hitting the 23 week mark tomorrow, and I have no idea how we got here so quickly! Feels about 6 weeks since we found out little one was on the way, and we discovered this at 5 weeks! And suddenly everything feels a little panicked! How did I lose so much time? How will I get everything prepared in time? How can I possibly make these life changing decisions for my bambino and feel content with it?!

So I started this blog, both as an outlet to my emotion and fretting, and for all of you yummy mummys and yummy mummys to be; maybe my frantic rush to get things in order, and my little mini emotional episodes, will give you a little laughter with your afternoon tea and biscuits! Comments on this blog are really welcomed, and I can't wait to start talking to some of you lovely ladies! Or daddys and daddys to be if you have stumbled upon this!

However you use this blog, I hope you enjoy my story, and feel free to share the love!

Night for now mummys

Mumblingmummy xxx